Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mobile Van Restaurant Company Analysis Coursework

Mobile Van Restaurant Company Analysis - Coursework Example The name of the mobile van restaurant suggested is Fastbite Inc. and the target group of our business would be the executives who belong to the white and the blue collar working class. The van would operate from 6 am in the morning to 10 pm and we will sell breakfast such as raffles near Singapore MRT station car park or central of Singapore. However, in the afternoon during 11 to 2 pm, we will sell lunch in areas such as Tuas, Loyang Way or Woodand while after 2-5pm, we will deliver orders to our customers. Mobile van restaurants were more commonly found in Somerset MRT and East Coast Park but there are many other areas where can be covered by us. Besides serving the areas where factories are located, we will also sell food in deserted areas because this is the place where food is not available and it is also easy to locate vans in these areas since they are movable. Therefore, we will also sell food in boon lay area forest which is the place where the soldiers are trained. Since no thing is available for the soldiers to eat, they will buy the food we will offer them so the risk will be low. However, in the cities there are many other restaurants and options available to the customers which would make it difficult for us to attract the customers. The population of Singapore is 4,740,737 and 77% of the population falls in the age group of 15 to 64 years of age. Singapore has a 92.5% of literacy rate and unemployment rate of 2.1% which means that most of the population is employed which means that none of the individual living in Singapore lives below poverty line and even the rate of inflation is just 2.8%.1 Business Operation and management We will sell ready packed food which will be prepared from a home based kitchen and the mobile van will be used for selling purpose only. We will require both physical and human capital which will be our key resources to operate the business. For the van, we will hire two individuals while for the kitchen, we will hire three people to cook, pack and receive orders. For the need of physical capital we will buy a van. Convenience is the main benefit that we aim to give to our customers which will also be our competitive edge. We did a break even analysis which showed that our business idea would work well. The Industry Data that we collected gave us all the information about mobile van restaurants and some of the possible risks include the external factors such as changes in any government policies or weather changes and to meet these, we will have a backup plan. Business features, functionality and benefits Some of the business features includes convenience we provide to our customers along with nutritious and well packed warm food. Our business would operate mainly on a mobile van on which we will sell our food items. Although we have competition around, we will develop product differentiation on the basis of branding, service and location. Our business will operate in monopolistic competition which me ans an imperfect competition in which the products are substitutes but will be sold by the competitors will only be differentiated on the basis of branding and service. For this, we conducted market analysis to know more about the industry and competition. Branding Fastbite Inc. is our suggested name which would include pastries, sandwiches and minced noodles while we will sell barbecue including sea food and chicken wings, beef noddle and Kway Teow, chicken noddles and rice, curry

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Applied Immunology Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Applied Immunology Question - Essay Example They have also shown a decrease in general mortality and recurrence rate, both as a single agent and in synergy with conservative combination chemotherapy, witnessing high response rates of upto 30% (White 2007). Progresses in biotechnology: advances have been made in laboratory antibody engineering. Such have improved antigen binding and the capability to stimulate ordinary effectors mechanisms. Development of fresh and enhanced targeted antibodies is costly as evidenced in the price of antibody therapy. Some health economies may find this unaffordable. Uncertainty in establishing the best clinical use of MoAbs: The optimal clinical timing, setting, and dose programs for the application of presently available antibodies remain uncertain. Forthcoming studies observing kinetics and pharmacodynamics may better enlighten therapeutic use in the future. The use of MoAbs as first-line therapy requires additional trials. Developing combination strategies: many challenges are still faced in developing rational combination regimens which exploit the lacking cross-resistance and overlapping toxicities of various agents. MoABs might also be mixed with targeted diminutive molecules like proteosome

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Organisational Structures in Social Work

Organisational Structures in Social Work Organisations Working Separately and Individuals Working in Isolation are no Longer an Option Introduction This paper will consider the key ideas and theories underlying organizations. In doing so there will be particular concentration on the areas of mental health and social services. There will be an examination of the legislative context and policy changes as they apply to the chosen areas. Since the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act there has been considerable emphasis on partnership working and the importance of this to mental health and social services will be examined. Attention will also be paid to the experiences of users and carers, particularly as it relates to issues of power and inequality. The paper will begin with a general introduction to the areas under consideration. It is no longer an option for organizations to work in isolation, this is particularly the case with organization concerned with services to the public. The organizations which come under the umbrella of what is known as human services operate in both the public and the private arenas. The introduction of market principles into areas that were once the sole responsibility of the state welfare system, has meant that an increasing number of human service workers are employed in the private sector. Human Service organisations are comprised of medical staff and others such as administrators, cooks and cleaners employed by the NHS or in private practice, the police and probation services, the prison services, social services, and to a limited extent those working in education. Certainly the pre-school sector could be described as a human service organisation because of the many different services the sector performs. Many of these are voluntary organisations. The voluntary human services might also include organisations that help the disabled, organisations such as Adaction which work with alcoholics and people with drug problems, and Mind, a voluntary sector organisation which caters for people with mental health problems. Social Services People seeking to work in the human services usually do better if they have had some prior experience. This might be through undertaking work placements or by undertaking voluntary work for a time. In social work, this is likely to be even more the case because prior community involvement is seen as a valuable asset. This may be a result of the fact that the social services has its roots in the voluntary charity work of the late nineteenth century. The role of a social worker is primarily defined by what used to be known as personal social services. This is because on the whole social workers are concerned with individuals and the care they may need. In the field of human services social work may be seen as both typical, and untypical , firstly its aim is to provide a personal service that benefits other people, social workers are more likely than other human service workers to be involved with people on an individual basis, often for a prolonged period of time. In other areas of the human services contact with the public is usually more fleeting. As a result of current Government policy a social worker who may be involved with clients with mental health needs, may find themselves in partnership with the NHS (or community mental health team) and a voluntary organisation such as Mind. More importantly, Government expects social care and health professionals to work closely and collaboratively with service users. What social work consists of is decided by Parliament. This is because the Government defines the statutes that outline social workers responsibilities and the people towards whom they have that responsibility, also the ma nner in which such responsibilities should be undertaken, and the legislative framework that underpins the professional practice of social work (Brayne and Martin, 1995).[1] Social workers have to abide by the code of practice set by the General Social Care Council, and are bound by the 1970 Social Services Act as it applies to local authorities. Since the Human Rights Act of 1998 social workers are bound by law to respect the inherent rights and dignity of every human person. Social workers are bound by the 1990 Community Care Act and subsequent legislation. Local Authorities are also by the Disability Discrimination Act and social workers whose clients who have mental or physical disabilities Social workers have to be familiar with this Act as well as the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act of 1970. Social workers also need to be aware of what defines a person with mental or physical or disabilities and how their needs might best be addressed. Local authorites have to regulate services to deal accommodate both their own financial restraints and people’s needs and disabilitie. The social worker is bound by the same terms as their employer. Local Authority Social Service Departments have a legal duty to find out if there are people with disabilities in their area, what the number is, and what help the Department is able to offer. Details of services should be published and the department has a duty to inform clients of their rights in relation to the services they provide.[2] The Local Authority and also the social worker have to take into account the major implications of the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act when dealing with people who have mental or physical difficulties. Disability is defined under this Act disability as: Disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities (Brayne and Martin, 1999:460). Social workers have a duty to assess the service needs that disabled service users may have and decide whether they can help the person with that need. There is also a considerable emphasis within social services on encouraging the user to participate in decisions regarding their care. At the same time social workers are encouraged to lessen the power differential between themselves and service users, this means engaging in anti-oppressive practice e.g. accessible language, and doing what they can to empower individuals. Policy Changes Changes in Government social policy during the 1970s and 1980s resulted in significant changes to those organizations which provided services for people with disabilities, people with learning disabilities, and older people (Kirk, 1998). As a result of Government spending cuts numbers of institutions were closed and this resulted in care being increasingly focused on the community. The Griffiths Report (1988) was commissioned by the Government and it recommended that local authorities should be enablers, who organized and directed community care. Local authorities would no longer be the sole providers of care, but would have their own budgets to purchase care from the private and voluntary sector. This policy became a matter of statute under the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act. The Act stipulated that individual care packages would be organised by local authorities with input from voluntary and charitable organisations. The terms of the Act resulted in an increase in the burden of care for the social work profession. Under the 1990 Act social workers are required to make initial assessments and then refer clients to the appropriate services. The Act emphasized partnership working in all areas and social workers now have to consult with professionals from all walks of life in order to adequately provide for their clients needs. The Government has been committed to this idea of partnership working and has regularly updated the terms since coming to power, and produced a white paper on the delivery of integrated health and social care in July of last year.[3] When it comes to clients with mental health needs many social workers may find themselves working in conjunction with the organization known as Mind. Mind Mind is the leading mental health charity in both England and Wales.[4] Mind has over 200 local associations which run drop in centres, help lines, give housing advice and work with mental health professionals and social workers to improve the lives of people with mental health difficulties. The aims of Mind are as follows Advancing the views, needs and ambitions of people with mental health problems Challenging discrimination and promoting inclusion Influencing policy through campaigning and education Inspiring the development of quality services which reflect expressed need and diversity Achieving equal rights through campaigning and education.[5] Their aims demonstrate that Mind is geared towards the minimalisation of inequalitites and the promotion of the needs and rights of people with mental health difficulties. Mind aims to empower its users and to encourage their participation in assessing and providing for their needs. Mind campaigns to improve the lives of those with mental health problems and to raise awareness in the wider community so that the public and the Government are more accepting of people with these needs. Mind also advises Government, Health Authorities, and Social Services Departments on what is best practice for addressing mental health needs. In this way Mind might be said to be a good advertisement for partnership working which, as Molyneux (2001)[6] reminds us can sometimes be problematic. Social Services and Mind Mind is aware of the contribution that social workers make and points out that the right kind of social care can go a long way to alleviating the stress that mental health difficulties may bring. At present mental health users receive only a small amount of social care and are often referred for medical help alone. However, this course of action neglects the enormous social consequences that mental health difficulties can have and how it affects family units. Greater availability of social care would go a long way to alleviating such difficulties. The increasing Government emphasis on partnership working should lead to a greater connection between those who work for social services and the staff of mind. The two of them together could be of considerable help in assisting sufferers to reintegrate back into society after a long hospital stay. Conclusion This paper has examined some of the theories and structures underlying social service departments and the charity called Mind. It has looked at the legislative and policy contexts as they apply to people who need social care and who may also have mental health problems. It has looked at partnership working and how the responsibilities that are incumbent upon social workers are intended to minimalise inequalities and to substantially lessen the power differential between service users and service providers. Bibliography Banks, S. 2003 From oaths to rulebooks: a critical examination of codes of ethics for the social professions European journal of Social Work Volume 6 No. 2 July 2003 p. 133-144 Brayne and Martin 6th ed. 1999 Law for Social Workers London, Blackstone Press Molyneux, J 2001 â€Å"Interprofessional team working: What makes teams work well?† Journal of Inter-professional Care 15 (1) 2001 p.1-7 p.1 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1 Footnotes [1] Brayne and Martin 6th ed. 1999 Law for Social Workers London, Blackstone Press [2] [3] [4] [5] p.1 [6] Molyneux, J 2001 â€Å"Interprofessional team working: What makes teams work well?† Journal of Inter-professional Care 15 (1) 2001 p.1-7

Friday, October 25, 2019

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essay -- essays research pa

Not so free after all   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Big Brothers eyes are over watching us everyday. The privacy we once had has dissipated. His focal point is in the sky like an eagle stocking its prey. The camera lenses of Big Brother dwell everywhere. Big Brother is always awake and has an eye on us. As of today, Big Brother has risen taller and mightier. He has gained the power to control what we can have knowledge about and has infiltrated into our private lives. George Orwell’s novel 1984, prophesied coming of our democracy of a negative utopia has been proven by current events. Today, the United States democracy is looking much like the totalitarian state of 1984. Tactics of persuasions to make citizens believe their economy is improving occurred in 1984 and now in ours. Big Brother regulated the media in Oceania just as America does now. Reporters fired from speaking to foreigners, lies Administrators from the party tell their citizens, imperialism to gain territory for natural resources, and the rep risal from the government from individuals who seem unorthodox.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over the years in presidential elections, much bribery has been conducted to assure another presidential term. Citizens expect and would take pleasure in a president who would improve the economy so they could live in a place that accommodates there budget. A current event that is taking place of such an issue is with Mr. President Bush. â€Å"In an interview that aired Sunday on CBS, Woodward, a Washington Post editor, said that Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, had promised President Bush that the Saudis would cut oil prices before November to ensure the U.S. economy was strong on Election Day.†(Schoen) With this on hand, many citizens with be lulled to believe Mr. Bush is doing a fantastic job with our economy, escalading to a re-election from the voters who were persuaded by Bush’s plan. Of course, not everybody has heard of this prophesied event, because it never was made a real major issue that was broadcasted worldwide through the media. It was introduced once, then vanished so not to make a major scene. Probably when Mr. Bush seen somebody made a degrading report that may effect his re-election, he told his friend Collin Powell, chairman of the FCC, to make it disappear or a least hide it. Just as the Party did in ... ...? Isn’t this after all a democracy? Isn’t democracy defined as a government by the people? Well, Mr. President Bush seems to abolish this definition, and so does Big Brother. The only voice heard is Big Brothers. It seems like Mr. President Bush is an exact clone of Big Brother. He regulates the media on what to let us know and what not to know. Constant lies continuously being thrown at us, and for the most part, we believe them, because the party is in possession of absolute truth. We live in such a time where it is an exact simile of a prison. Where talking to one another is prohibited, freedom of speech is restricted, and forced to believe two plus two equal five. The telescreen is every where in our society, and a thought police exist. America is not viewed as it once was. We no longer can say America is the land of the free, because it isn’t. Lady Liberty no longer stands for land of the free. America is a steal train driven by thieves that high jacked it, and we are the ones in a remote destination fueling it. Clueless on where we are going, and helpless in gaining control. The tracks are not laid out by us, but by the thieves that drive this monstrous machine.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Environmental Issues In Australia Environmental Sciences Essay

Climate alteration has come to a halt and is now a major political speaking point in Australia in the last two decennaries. Persistent drouth and ensuing H2O limitations during the first decennary of the 21st century are an illustration of natural events attributed by the mainstream media to climate alteration 1.1 Energy usage Australia is a major exporter and consumer of coal, the burning of which liberates CO2. Consequently, in 2003 Australia was the 8th highest emitter of CO2 gases per capita in the universe emancipating 16.5 metric tons per capita. Australia is claimed to be one of the states most at hazard from clime alteration harmonizing to the Stern study. Most of Australia ‘s demand for electricity depends upon coal-burning thermic coevals, owing to the plentiful autochthonal coal supply, limited potency for hydro-electric coevals and political involuntariness to work autochthonal uranium resources ( although Australia accounted for the universe ‘s 2nd highest production of U in 2005 ) to fuel a ‘carbon impersonal ‘ domestic atomic energy plan 2 Conservation Conservation in Australia is an issue of province and federal policy. Australia is one of the most biologically diverse states in the universe, with a big part of species endemic to Australia. Continuing this wealth of biodiversity is of import for future coevalss. A cardinal preservation issue is the saving of biodiversity, particularly by protecting the staying rain forests. The devastation of home ground by human activities, including land glade, remains the major cause of biodiversity loss in Australia. The importance of the Australian rain forests to the preservation motion is really high. Australia is the lone western state to hold big countries of rain forest intact. Forests provide lumber, drugs, and nutrient and should be managed to maximise the possible utilizations. Presently, there are a figure of environmental motions and candidates recommending for action on salvaging the environment, one such run is the Big Switch and I Love Earth. Land direction issues including clearance of native flora, reafforestation of once-cleared countries, control of alien weeds and plagues, enlargement of dryland salt, and changed fire governments. Intensification of resource usage in sectors such as forestry, piscaries, and agribusiness are widely reported to lend to biodiversity loss in Australia. Coastal and Marine environments besides have reduced biodiversity from decreased H2O quality caused by pollution and deposits originating from human colonies and agribusiness. In cardinal New South Wales where there are big fields of grassland, jobs have risen fromaa‚ ¬ † unusual to sayaa‚ ¬ † deficiency of land glade. The Daintree Rainforest, a tropical rain forest near Daintree, Queensland covering around 1200 square kilometers, is threatened by logging, development, excavation and the effects of the high tourer Numberss. 3 Invasive species Australia ‘s geographical isolation has resulted in the development of many delicate ecological relationships that are sensitive to foreign encroachers and in many cases provided no natural marauders for many of the species later introduced. Introduced workss that have caused widespread jobs are lantana and the bristly pear shrub. The debut and spread of animate beings such as the cane frog or coney can interrupt the bing balances between populations and develop into environmental jobs. The debut of cowss into Australia and to a lesser extent the warrigal, are other illustrations of species that have changed the landscape. In some instances the debut of new species can take to pestilences and the extinction of endemic species. The introduced species ruddy fox has single-handedly caused the extinction of several species. Tasmania takes the menace of ruddy fox debut so earnestly that it has a authorities sponsored taskforce to forestall fox populations from taking clasp on the island 4 Land glade In the prehistoric culture of Australia the autochthonal Australians used fire-stick farming which was an early signifier of land glade which caused long term alterations to the ecology. With European colonization land uncluttering continued on a larger graduated table for agribusiness – peculiarly for cowss, cotton and wheat production. Since European colony a sum of 13 % of native flora screen has been lost. The extinction of 20 different mammals, 9 bird and 97 works species have been partly attributed to set down glade. Land glade is a major beginning of Australiaaa‚ ¬a„?s nursery gas emanations, and contributed to about 12 per centum of Australiaaa‚ ¬a„?s entire emanations in 1998. The effects of land uncluttering include dryland salt and dirt eroding. These are a major concern to the landcare motion in Australia. The glade of native flora is controlled by Federal Torahs ( indirectly ) , State jurisprudence and local planning instruments. The precise inside informations of ordinance of flora glade differ harmonizing to the location where glade is proposed. 5 Waterway wellness The protection of waterways in Australia is a major concern for assorted grounds including home ground and biodiversity, but besides due to utilize of the waterways by worlds. The Murray-Darling Basin is under menace due to irrigation in Australia, doing high degrees of salt which affect agribusiness and biodiversity in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. These rivers are besides affected by pesticide run-off and drouth. 6 Water usage Water usage is a major sustainability issue in Australia. During times of drought Water limitations in Australia apply to conserve H2O. Climate alteration may escalate drouth in Australia seting force per unit area on H2O resources and taking to alternate H2O beginnings including building of Water armored combat vehicles, dikes, Water transit and desalinization workss many of which affect H2O catchments and set increasing force per unit area on the environment. †¦ /46130_2010.pd†¦

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reservation Documentation

1. 1 Statement of the Problem We want all of our system releases to go to production seamlessly, without defects, where everyone is aware and informed of the outcomes and status. The general problem of the client is they need a computerized system that can reserve the room and resort that they want, for them to be easy to list the number of rooms that is available, this system will emphasize the difference of using the manual reservation and the computerized reservation.The Paradise tours is the company who needed this computerized system for reservation, It is important to fix this problem because if we will not focus in this robber, it will be hard for the Paradise tours staff to list the activities that they need to list, if our system could help their problem then they will not have hard time to reserve their customers room. 1. 1 The Current State of the Technology Apparently, the business establishment is currently using the traditional manual system of Reservation processing.Th at of which includes the facilities, amenities, pools, rooms of the said company. Considering that it is a large line of business that's Why they needed the computerized system for them to manage the reservation process in 1. 2 Objectives * To avoid manual and repetitive work Real time information of availability of rooms * Improving decision making * To provide a web site that can allow a user to search and reserve a hotel room or cancel his/her reservation over the internet anytime. * To record details of various activities of the user. 1. 3. General Objectives * If we're using Manual reservation, it may consume more time in listing the information for reservation. When using our system, it will be easier for the staff record and manipulate the information in reserving. * It will be clearer to see the availability of rooms, so you can know already if the room is available or not. Enhances your decision ability in choosing. * It will be easier for the customer to browse the differe nt information of different resorts and hotels and at the same time, if they changed their mind, they can cancel or change their reserving schedule. You can see the log activities of cancelled reservation, occupied rooms, etc. Managed by the user. 1. 3. 2 Specific Objectives 1 . To increase the security between the management and staff. And easily to save and retrieve files through computer. 2. To lessen time consume. In Just one click you can browse and you can see easily see the accommodation of each toll and restaurant and also the promo they give than the manual reservation, you need go to the hotel or resort to inquire to. 3. To spend less time in searching and retrieving of files.By using our database you can easily search, retrieve and also add anything you want in just one click than the manual step or reservation 4. To become make easier to find the availability rooms. You can easily browse and see the availability of each rooms and their accommodation, just you need to do is to their website than go to their place instantly. 1. 3. 3 Scope and Limitations This study is conducted to know the reason behind the represents on how will their purposed systems will help the Hotel Management. Hotel Reservation System is fully scalable and designed to provide extensive flexibility and varied choices.Typical hotel reservation and commerce hotel system software reclassification's currently in p lace and available today are technically designed to achieve only one objective function, which to connect BUYER TO SELLER. This study mainly focused on providing retailing business application using computerized system that enables businesses to track services and aims to provide accurate and reliable recess on every transaction especially in a hotel and resort reservation. This study looked into a better impact of using technology today on how it affects our daily lives especially for being the customer.With this studies it can help our beneficiaries to know the differe nces of using manual system to a computerized generation today, prioritize is to prove and to give them the right information. Limitation Hotel Reservation System is designed to manage all types of hotel bookings, made directly by guests . Lets powerful hotel reservation, marketing ; merchandising features give you the ability o control dynamic room or tour allotments, distribute confidential trade rates, provide varying rates and commissions, multiple seasons, distributing last minute rates, multi-currency including the Euro and so much more.The hotel reservation system will allow you to dynamically control most of your hotel reservation without the need for expensive web designer. The existing system only provides text-based interface, which is not as user-friendly as Graphical user Interface. The transactions are executed in off-line mode, hence on- line unless it is opened by the user. 1. 3. Methodology of study waterfall Model (OSDL) The system Development Life Cycle (OSDL) is a traditional methodology used to develop, maintain and replace or enhance information system.The main reason OSDL model is chosen because in OSDL it is possible to complete some activities in one phase in parallel with some activities of another phase. The life cycle can also be interactive that is phase are repeated as required until an acceptable system is found. Phase 1: Project identification and selection In this phase the project information system needs are identified and analyzed such identified the title of the project that is Web Based Computerized Hotel and Resort Reservation, scope and objective of the Computerized Hotel and Resort Reservation.Phase 2: Project Initiation and Planning During this phase the chart has been developed as a time line to determining the task involve in developing the Computerized Hotel and Resort Reservation. Phase 3: Analysis In the phase, the existing system is studies by collecting the information through the Internet and analyzed the infor mation to get alternatives for the use of proposed system. Phase 4: Design Logical design is the fourth phase in OSDL methodology. The functional features chosen for the proposed system in Analysis phase are described.Part of the logical design of information system is to devise the user interface. The interface plays an important role to connect the user with the system and is thus extremely important for the security of users. 1. 3. 5 Data Gathering Procedure and Output These are the procedure or tools for gathering our data in research used as basis for our conclusions or making our system. Some of our procedures are interviews, observations, research and analysis used by the proponents as they conduct the proposed study.Interview: we interview of some hotels and resort about their different accommodations and other important information the we need to know and what details we need to input into our systems and to have an idea about the reservation of a hotel or resort Observatio n: we observe different hotels and resort of how they operate their business, we also observe for us to know what is the advantage and limitations of manual reservation system through computerized reservation system. Research and analysis: also hotels and resort for getting important information we need.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Changes In Foreign Policy Since 9-11

on January 28th, 2003. â€Å"If Saddam Hussein does not fully disarm, for the safety of our people, and for the peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him.†( This statement meant that Bush was growing inpatient with the current efforts to disarm Iraq. The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks changed everything, including the Bush administration's thinking about the Middle East. Senior officials decided that unless action was taken, the Middle East would continue to be a breeding ground for terrorists. Officials feared that young Arabs would always look for someone to hate and that someone would always be Israel and the United States. Europeans thought the solution was to get a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. But American officials felt a Middle East peace agreement would only be part of the solution. The Bush administration felt that a new start was needed in the Middle East and that Iraq was the place to show that it is democracy, not t errorism, which offers hope. From a structure function approach, Iraq is considered a worldwide deviant. This tag, is a result of the direct and constant defiance of the worldwide authority, the United Nations. This defiance stretched across twelve years following the end of the Persian Gulf War. Secretary of State Colin Powell stressed the meaning of these infractions in an address to the U.N. Security Council on Februrary 5th 2003 about U.N. Resolution 1441. â€Å"Resolution 1441 was not dealing with an innocent party, but a regime this council has... Free Essays on Changes In Foreign Policy Since 9-11 Free Essays on Changes In Foreign Policy Since 9-11 On September 11th 2001, the function of foreign policy in America changed forever. Our foreign policy went from being a matter of world peace and trade policy to primarily a matter of the safety of the American people. The first action after this change, Operation Enduring Freedom, meant the beginning of a long process to disarm the worldwide threats to freedom. The second action officially began with the presidents words on January 28th, 2003. â€Å"If Saddam Hussein does not fully disarm, for the safety of our people, and for the peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him.†( This statement meant that Bush was growing inpatient with the current efforts to disarm Iraq. The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks changed everything, including the Bush administration's thinking about the Middle East. Senior officials decided that unless action was taken, the Middle East would continue to be a breeding ground for terrorists. Officials feared that young Arabs would always look for someone to hate and that someone would always be Israel and the United States. Europeans thought the solution was to get a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. But American officials felt a Middle East peace agreement would only be part of the solution. The Bush administration felt that a new start was needed in the Middle East and that Iraq was the place to show that it is democracy, not terrorism, which offers hope. From a structure function approach, Iraq is considered a worldwide deviant. This tag, is a result of the direct and constant defiance of the worldwide authority, the United Nations. This defiance stretched across twelve years following the end of the Persian Gulf War. Secretary of State Colin Powell stressed the meaning of these infractions in an address to the U.N. Security Council on Februrary 5th 2003 about U.N. Resolution 1441. â€Å"Resolution 1441 was not dealing with an innocent party, but a regime this council has...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Identifying The Experience Of Child Protection Issues Social Work Essay Essays

Identifying The Experience Of Child Protection Issues Social Work Essay Essays Identifying The Experience Of Child Protection Issues Social Work Essay Essay Identifying The Experience Of Child Protection Issues Social Work Essay Essay who were removed from their households for assorted grounds, were denied the basic right of all kids to have protection, support and loving attention ( FAHCSIA ) . Today, the Australian Government is committed to larning from its history and bettering the quality of life experience by our kids and immature people. The Australian Government and the non-government sector recognize that households are the cardinal system that supports and nurtures our kids and immature people. There is a national committedness to supply child-centred, family-focused responses as the most effectual manner to assist kids and immature people who are disadvantaged, neglected or abused, or at hazard of going so in ulterior life. 2.1 The Issue As of June 2010, there were 24, 279 kids populating in Out of Home Care. Of these, 11, 468 of these kids were of Indigenous or Torres Strait Islander decent, doing them 9 times more likely to be in Out of Home Care so non-Indigenous kids ( 44.8 in every thousand compared with 4.9 in every 1000 ) 0 ( FAHCSIA ) . Harmonizing to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Indigenous Australian kids are 8 times more likely than non-Indigenous kids to hold been involved with Child Protection services and experience remotion orders. The arrangement of kids in Out of Home Care is widely recognised as the most terrible signifier of kid public assistance intercessions. Autochthonal kids are non merely more likely to be placed in Out of Home Care, but to come in attention at a younger age and to stay in attention longer than other kids. ( SNAIIC ) Disregard is the most common ground for Indigenous kids to be removed from their households, with 37.5 % of Autochthonal kids in the system is due to pretermit ( Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2010 ) . 2.2. Children in Care In the yesteryear when Autochthonal kids were removed from their households they were by and large placed with Non-Indigenous carers or insitutions. These kids were cut off from their households and were forced to absorb into non-Indigenous Australian civilization. This has had an improbably detrimental consequence on the development of the Indigenous kids involved and their households, doing what is by and large known as the Stolen Generation . When Autochthonal kids are placed in the attention of non-indigenous people, despite the good purposes and positive environment of the Care-givers, the Indigenous kids doubtless suffer in their cultural development and individuality, which can do reunion hard, if non impossible, due to relational and individuality issues it causes between the kid and their birth household ( and community ) . Unfortunately, small to no research has been done on the effects of Autochthonal kids in Out of Home attention. The SNAICC have put forward recommendations that comparings and ratings be done on the assorted experience of Autochthonal kids in Out of Home Care ( 2011 ) . The Policy In an effort to diminish the injury that Autochthonal kids and their households experience when the kids are placed in Out of Home Care, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle ( Australian Human Rights Commission, 2008 ) was accepted in 1986 by all of Australia. However, it was non until about 10 old ages subsequently that the Principle transitioned from simply policy to go legislative pattern ( Child Protection Peak, LTD. ) The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle states the order in which it is preferred for Autochthonal kids to be placed once they are removed from their households: Their drawn-out households The kid s autochthonal community Other Autochthonal people If none of the above can be arranged, merely so will an Autochthonal kid go to a non-Indigenous Carer ( Australian Human Rights Commission, 2008 ) The Principle acknowledges that the old policies on assimilation caused agony to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It reflects the right of Autochthonal people to raise their kids in their ain civilization and maintain them as a portion of their communities ( Australian Human Rights Commission, 2008 ) . Childs that are placed in one of the three preferred options are described as being placed in conformity with the rule ( Australian Human Rights Commission, 2008 ) . In Australia in 2009-10, 70.5 % of Autochthonal kids who were placed in Out of Home Care were put in a preferable arrangement under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle such as with drawn-out household, other Autochthonal health professionals or in Autochthonal residential environment. The Principle besides requires that an Autochthonal administration or bureau be involved in the determination as to where to put the kid. In some legal power, the drawn-out household of the kid is besides involved in the determination ( SNAICC, 2011 ) . If a kid can non be placed with Autochthonal carers, so the Principle requires that every attempt be made for the kid to keep connexion with their household, linguistic communication and civilization ( SNAICC, 2011 ) . Literature reappraisal For the intent of this study, information on the experience of Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander kids with Out of Home Foster attention was gathered from assorted equal reviewed articles, authorities and non-government studies. Though it must be noted that non all available stuff was researched due to time-constraints, the undermentioned information pertain to the beginnings used to inform this study: Many of the articles and studies focus to a great extent on the quantitative informations that represents and informs the statistics of Autochthonal kids in attention and for the assorted grounds for this happening. All articles, particularly those written by Indigenous organisations, see the Principle as a acknowledgment of the racialist attitudes held by past Australian Governments policies that removed Autochthonal kids from their households and into the places of Non-Indigenous, white Australians. Many of the beginnings believe the ground why there is such a high figure of Autochthonal kids in attention is, in a sense, a fall-out of the Stolen Generation ; the kids of the Stolen Generation were so traumatised that, now they are grownups, they can non rear their ain kids. A study done by the SNAICC in 2011 calls for comparative research to be done in the experience of Autochthonal kids in the assorted surrogate scenes. None of the literature disagreed with the Principle, merely that it can non be placed above the precedence to maintain the kid safe ( SNAICC, 2011 ) . The literature focused more on why Children are in attention, instead than how to forestall this and rehabilitate the parents who be traumatized by the Stolen Generation. Evaluation Harmonizing to the SNAICC, The Child Placement Principle is extremely important to Indigenous peoples for a figure of single, but connected, grounds: 1.In regard to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids, execution of the Principle provides the chance for these kids to keep a strong connexion to their extended household and community which is an of import factor in the kid developing a healthy and culturally relevant sense of individuality and well-being. 2. The SNAICC believe that the Principle was contrary to and discredits the thought that was the foundation for the policies of segregation and cultural assimilation held by the Australian Governments in old ages gone by. 3. It is possible that the psychological benefits of a kids being placed with members of their ain household or members of their ain culture/community is applicable to all kids in general. This could be specifically of import to kids of other civilizations populating within Australia In a qualitative study conducted by the Association of Children s Welfare Agencies NSW ( ACWA, 2004 ) , this sensed psychological benefit was the figure one ground spring by comparative carers for looking after a kid from their ain family- They re your ain flesh and blood one respondent was recorded as stating. It is besides seen as less traumatic for the kid to be placed in kin attention, as the people they are being placed with are people they place with, person they know .and experience comfy with . A strong sense of household duty was besides recognised in the study as a benefit of Family attention ( ACWA, 2004 ) The strong support for household or family attention for Autochthonal kids can besides be seen by the common position of many Autochthonal people that alternative signifiers of surrogate attention were flawed and potentially detrimental to the kids s development. One respondent to the study said that I think our history of other signifiers of alternate attention is black ( ACWA, 2004 ) . This is in mention to the Stolen Generations ( Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 1997 as cited by ACWA, 2004 ) . 4.1 As mentioned antecedently, 70.5 % of Autochthonal kids are placed harmonizing to Principle . While this can be seen as a success compared to the old policies that affected the Stolen Generation, it is of import to discourse the other 29.5 % that are with non-Indigenous carers. This is chiefly due to the deficiency of Autochthonal carers in the Foster attention system. Some suggest that there are three chief grounds for this deficit: Trauma associated with the Stolen Generation has rendered some Autochthonal people incapable of looking after kids The hesitance of some Autochthonal people to be associated with the Welfare system in visible radiation of old public assistance policies and experience There are significantly more Autochthonal kids than there are Autochthonal grownups. Foster Agencies so hold much work to make in order to accommodate themselves with the Indigenous community. It besides increases their duty to the 29.5 % to guarantee sufficient and effectual cultural plans are available and utilized by the non-Indigenous carers and their Autochthonal Foster kids. 4.3 Whilst the SNAICC clearly support the Principle and believe that kids maintain connexions with their household and community is critical, they are concerned that the safety of Indigenous kids has non been discussed in recent treatments on the Principle. Whilst maintaining civilization is of import, it is neer more so than the safety of a kid placed in Out of Home attention. Puting a kid in the attention of a household member or their community merely to adhere to the Principle can neer be a justification for go forthing or seting the kid at hazard ( Berlyn, Bromfield A ; Lamont, 2011 ) . Decision As of June 2010, 47 % of kids in Out of Home Care we Indigenous kids. This makes Autochthonal kids 9 times more likely to be in attention than non-Indigenous kids. The highest ground for kids to be removed from their parents is neglect. Due to the history of the Autochthonal people, specifically in respects to the Stolen Generation and the policies that informed it, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle was introduced to maintain Autochthonal Children within their households, community or civilization in order to advance positive cultural individuality and better familial dealingss. Presently, merely 70.5 % of Autochthonal kids in attention are placed harmonizing to the Principle. More demands to be done to enroll Indigenous Foster carers and to efficaciously cut down the figure of Autochthonal kids traveling into attention.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Murderous Cult of Roman Diana and Her Sword-Wielding Priests

The Murderous Cult of Roman Diana and Her Sword-Wielding Priests In the US, the President has to retire after eight years in office, but at least they get to live after their second terms as President. Some of the ancient Romans werent so lucky. In order to become the new priest of the Italian sanctuary of Diana Nemorensis (Diana of Nemi), the incoming priest had to murder his predecessor to get the job! Although the shrine was  located in a sacred grove and near a gorgeous lake, so applications for the position must have been through the roof... Priestly Problems So whats the deal with this sacerdotal situation? According to Strabo, Artemiss worship at the grove of Nemi - included a barbaric ...  element. The priestly turnover was quite graphic, for, as Strabo recounts, the priest had to be a runaway slave who killed the man previously consecrated to that office. As a result, the reigning priest (dubbed the Rex Nemorensis, or King of the Grove at Nemi) always carried a sword to protect  himself against murderous interlopers. Suetonius concurs in his  Life of Caligula.  Apparently, the ruler of Rome didnt have enough to occupy his twisted mind during his own reign, so he meddled in religious rites...Supposedly, Caligula got fed up with the fact that the current Rex Nemorensis had lived for so long, so the dastardly emperor hired a stronger adversary to attack him. Really, Caligula? Ancient Origins and Mythical Men Where did this odd ritual come from? Pausanias states that when Theseus killed his son, Hippolytus - whom he believed to have seduced Theseuss own wife, Phaedra - the kid  didnt actually die. In fact,  Asclepius, god of medicine, resurrected the prince. Understandably, Hippolytus didnt forgive his father and the last thing he wanted was to stay in his native Athens, so he  traveled to Italy, where he set up a sanctuary to his patron goddess, Artemis/Diana. There, he set up a  contest for runaway slaves to become the temples priest, in which they fought to the death for the honor. But according to  the late  antique author Servius, who wrote commentaries on major  epic texts, the Greek hero Orestes had the honor of founding the ritual at Nemi. He rescued his sister, Iphigenia, from the sanctuary of Diana at Tauris; there, Iphigenia sacrificed all strangers to the goddess, as recounted in Euripidess tragedy  Iphigenia in Tauris.   Servius claims that Orestes saved Iphigenia by killing Thoas, king of the Taurians, and stole the sacred image of Diana from her sanctuary there; he brought the statue and the princess back home with him. He stopped in Italy - at Aricia, near Nemi - and set up a new cult of Diana.   At this new sanctuary, the ruling priest wasnt allowed to kill all strangers, but there was a special tree, from which a branch could not be broken. If someone  did  snap a branch, they had the option to do battle with the runaway slave-turned-priest of Diana. The priest was a fugitive slave because his journey symbolized Orestess flight westwards, says Servius. This ritual, then, was Virgils source of material for the legends about the area where Aeneas stopped off in the  Aeneid  to find a magical plant and enter the Underworld.  Sadly for these entertaining tales, neither probably had anything to do with the ritual at Nemi. Issues of Interpretation Aeneas and the slave-priests came up again in modern studies of religion. Ever heard of anthropologist James Frazers seminal work The  Golden Bough? He theorized that Nemi was the spot where Aeneas went to Hades, as Servius suggested. The sacred sparkly in the title refers to a bough, golden leaf and pliant stem Aeneas had to grab in Book VI of the Aeneid  in order to descend to  the Underworld. But Serviuss own claims were spurious at best! This odd interpretation has a long history -  well-chronicled  by Jonathan Z. Smith and Anthony Ossa-Richardson.  Frazer took these ideas and claimed that used the slaying-of-the-priest as a lens through which he examined world mythology. His  thesis - that the symbolic death and resurrection of a mythical figure was the focus of fertility cults across the world - was an interesting one. This idea didnt hold much water, but that  theory of comparative mythology informed the works many historians and anthropologists, including the famous Robert Graves in his  White Goddess  and  Greek Myths, for decades ... until scholars realized Frazer was wrong.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Although the dangers of smoking have long been recognized, people Essay

Although the dangers of smoking have long been recognized, people continue to smoke. Why has the battle against smoking not been - Essay Example On 29 September 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that British Columbia could sue tobacco companies to recover health care costs for ill-nesses caused by smoking. In opposition to this rule, Rondi Adamson in his article Do We Really Want Private Decisions Regulated?, states," But just how much do you want your private decisions regulated by others, snitched-on by your neighbors or used by your government so they can make some money?". The point being that, people deserve to take control of their own life and be responsible for their own decisions, whether harmful or beneficial. He rightly argues that if this view is to be taken into account for making decisions, then even companies manufacturing a product as commonplace as potato chips should be sued, as even they are dangerous to health. This analysis makes the order of the Supreme Court sound rather dubious. Moreover, our government clearly exhibits double standards when it comes to eliminating tobacco products. It is a well- known affair that the government earns a hefty amount on an annual basis in the form of taxes which it imposes on the tobacco companies.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sickle cell disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sickle cell disease - Essay Example The chance of one of her parents being a carrier is 1 in 2 (1/2). Assuming that one of her parents had normal copies of CFTR and the other parent was a carrier, the chances of their siblings being a carrier is 1 in 2 (1/2). So the chances of my friend being a carrier is x , i.e , one out of four. Assuming that both my friend and her fianc are carriers, the chances of their baby having the disease are 1 in 4. Therefore, the overall chance of their baby having cystic fibrosis is x x . 1/32, one in a 32. Sickle cell disease: Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder caused by mutations of the -globin gene. There is a mutation of one single nucleotide from A to T, which results in a glutamic acid being replaced by valine at position 6 of the -globin gene. GAG, a codon, which codes for glutamic acid is changed to GUG resulting in replacement with valine (Pauling et al., 1949). In several forms of this disease, the red blood cells (RBC's) change their shape (Herrick, JB., 1910), upon deoxygenation caused by polymerization of abnormal sickle hemoglobin (Hanh and Gillespie, 1927). This results in the damage of the RBC's and can lead to these cells getting stuck in capillaries. The downstream tissues that are supplied by these capillaries are deprived of oxygen causing ischemia, leading to organ damage, as in stroke.

Societal Influences on Nursing as a Profession Research Paper

Societal Influences on Nursing as a Profession - Research Paper Example This essay highlights that  wars have been noted to as major contributor to development of the nursing profession, since more services were required to cater for the casualties. Just like in the times of Florence Nightingale, there has been a public outcry for inadequate care for soldiers in war-stricken areas. The makeshift hospitals that have been established to offer services in the affected population have been effective since sanitary services fundamental in caring for the sick are provided by nurses. Moreover, nursing practices have helped in reduction of immorality cases in military barracks because they offer guiding and counseling services apart from medical services. This is mostly evidenced by reduction in cases of sexually transmitted diseases.According to the study findings  Ccivil wars in countries like United States shaped the public perception of professional nursing since it formed its foundation (Jamieson, 1959). Many women became involved in health-care service s by providing sanitary services in military camps. The value of education in health-care provision for the sick was realized through the voluntary services women offered during civil wars. It is proposed that these women pioneered the construction of the first training schools in nursing after the completion of the war. As a result, the president of American Medical Association, Samuel Gross, endorsed nursing schools in 1868.  Throughout the 19th century, the number of community and hospitals continued to expand rapidly. Conflicts emerged because of religious resurgence during this time, especially among Anglican convent. The surgeons and physicians opposed to the roles of the nurses who claimed they were more concerned in spiritual demands of their patients rather than physical needs. Some religious orders were created for lay people who wanted a chance to share in charitable work. The female nurses were called sisters while male ones were regarded as brothers, even though they belonged to a religious group. Nursing has been dominated by religious values such as devotion to duty, spiritual calling, hard work, and self-denial. It is purported that commitment to these values resulted in exploitation rather than professionalism and the monetary rewards. This was affirmed by

Enhancing quality and safety clinical practice in wards Thesis

Enhancing quality and safety clinical practice in wards - Thesis Example The expertise as well as experience of the nurse is also essential in dealing with the difficult situation and cases demanding critical care and preclusion of accidents. The safety of the patient is of utmost significance and therefore it becomes essential for the hospital management not to suffer with the downturn of experience and efficient nursing staff. Health care is the key to high-quality life, beneath the health care facilities safety of the patient dwells. Health care results portray the kind of care that has been provided and the extent of professional understanding for the quality care. According to Institute of Medicine (IOM), "patient safety is indistinguishable from the delivery of quality health care" (Aspden, 2004). Further, the level of health services in a given condition is directly proportional to the health outcomes. Harteloh (2003), revealed that "Quality [is] an optimal balance between possibilities realized and a framework of norms and values." The positive outcomes of quality health care encompass attainment of apposite personal care, manifestation or expression of health-supporting approach, health-associated eminence of living, judgment of the individual being appropriately cared for along with managing symptoms properly (Mitchell, 2004). In the present scenario, conceptual components of quality are given privilege as compared to other deliberate markers indicating that a profound safety in quality care, success of the care, patient focused approach, well-timed, proficient, unbiased and reasonable predisposition. Safety in health care is the underpinning parameter that leads to the assembly of all other aspect of quality care (Committee on the Quality of Health Care in America). Quality care is the most essential component of the health care. Quality care encompass the patient safety which is the most imperative of all the components of the health care facility. Considering the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Banking and the political situation in Bahrain Essay

Banking and the political situation in Bahrain - Essay Example The rising issue of increased political pressure and financial crisis are affecting the business operations of financial sector of Bahrain (Shachmurove, 2003). Bahrain is also observed to be the largest financial centre among the ‘Gulf Cooperation Council’ (GCC). The GCC countries are majorly dependent on oil exports on a fixed exchange rate. In the GCC region, the banking sector is considered to be the main dominating player in financial terms. In this respect, the Islamic banks are perceived to be growing in an immense manner and are determined to be the ultimate foundation for financial transactions amid the gulf countries. The banking sector of Bahrain is recognised to be accountable to be the major contributor of ‘Gross Domestic Products (GDP) growth. Bahrain is identified to be acquiring around 80% of the GDP in relation to investment funds. The main objective of Bahrain is to obtain the leading position as a financial hub (INSEAD, 2011; Al-Hassan & et. al., 2010). BNP Paribas is recognised as among the leading banking institutions which is one of the leading financial service providers in the European regions. The bank is identified to be present in around 80 countries. Moreover, the bank employs about 200,000 individuals on a global context. BNP offers three major services which include retail banking, ‘corporate and investment banking’ as well as investment solutions (Bahrain Economic Development Board, 2008). Al Salam Bank-Bahrain (B.S.C) began its business operations in the year 2006 and the bank is located in Bahrain. It is observed to be performing business operations in a differentiation manner for acquiring huge capital and proficient as well as experienced management team. The bank adopts standards and principles which are recognised at international level for its transparency as well as integrity (Al Salam Bank Bahrain, 2012). Topic to Be Addressed The subject of the proposed research study is to determine the im pact of adverse political and financial conditions on the banking sector in Bahrain. Moreover, the proposed research study will assist in ascertaining the importance of stable political conditions for businesses to perform their operations effectively. Project Background In Bahrain, BNP Paribas is recognised to be the principal foreign bank. The bank has established two offices in Dubai with the objective of defending itself from unstable political scenarios and financial crisis. The proposed research study will be based on the analysing the factors which are seemingly affecting the operations as well as competitiveness of the banking sector in Bahrain. In this regard, the impact of unstable political situations and financial crisis of the banking sector of Bahrain will be studied in order to improve their situations. Justification of the Topic Chosen In relation to the present day context, it has been observed that the political condition of a country is significantly affecting the economic as well as business environment. Moreover, there are other specific external factors which are demonstrated to be impacting a country’s political and economic conditions both positively as well as negatively. In this regard, the major problem which has been recognised in this proposed study is changes in the political conditions affecting the financial sector in Bahrain. This problem is also identified to be hampering the competitiveness of its financial sector on a global context. Research Question On the basis of identification of the research problem, the

Fair system of international trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Fair system of international trade - Essay Example However, the economic, legal and socio-political disparity in countries has created significant problems and challenges to such business thus making it difficult to continue with operations1. Different countries have different laws governing the operation of foreign businesses and this has been demonstrated to create inequality and unfairness in the market. Some laws favour domestic firms and make it difficult for the international companies and organisations to compete favourably with domestic firms. The existence of laws and political systems that favour one group as opposed to the other affect natural competitive advantage that organisations should gain in the market and bestow upon domestic markets undue advantage over the others. Apart from legal systems that affect operations of multinationals, other forms of inequalities exist that make it difficult to gain a completely free system devoid of legal, political and socio-economic interference. Although having a completely fair sy stem of trade seems far-fetched and utopian given the existing inequalities between countries, trade strategies employed by developed countries and huge global corporation can be fashioned in such a way as to allow a fairer system of trade. As such, it is not that a fairer system of trade cannot exist, but that the people, businesses and countries benefiting from the current system of trade do not want such a system to exist. As long as the economic and development interests of certain powerful countries come above the interest of other less powerful countries, such unfair trade will persist and the possibility of change for the better will seem not possible. Different countries in different parts of the world have different political and legal stages of development and maturity, which may differ with those of other countries. This affects the ability of other multinationals especially from developing countries to competitively conduct their business without facing the challenges of the legal and socio-economic systems. A number of factors make it impossible to gain a fair business environment in the global sphere and these majorly depend on the economic development and political maturity of the country2. Most developed countries have enacted laws that although are aimed to protect the interest of the citizens, affect the smooth development and operations of international trade around the world. International trade can only be complete if a country allows for free movement of goods and services as exports and imports. However, this is not the case in a number of countries including the United States and Canada who have enacted a number of legislations that make it impossible to achieve a fair trade system3. From 1930a, the United States has enacted a number of laws, which are aimed at eliminating or reducing the overall volume of international trade in the country by restricting the amount of goods that can be imported into the country. The enactment of the mu ltilateral trade agreement, the tariff act of 1984the omnibus trade act of 2988 and the antidumping act of 1921 made it impossible for multinationals to increase their operations by increasing imports into the country. The American legislations that have been used to protect the country and domestic firms from competition by multinationals has been widely viewed as being protectionist in nature and this increases unfair business practices in the global market4. Apart from the legal differences that do exist between countries, other factors such as the social aspects of a country affects the performance of foreign companies and give the domestic firms undue advantage. Citizens naturally feel at ease with products

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Banking and the political situation in Bahrain Essay

Banking and the political situation in Bahrain - Essay Example The rising issue of increased political pressure and financial crisis are affecting the business operations of financial sector of Bahrain (Shachmurove, 2003). Bahrain is also observed to be the largest financial centre among the ‘Gulf Cooperation Council’ (GCC). The GCC countries are majorly dependent on oil exports on a fixed exchange rate. In the GCC region, the banking sector is considered to be the main dominating player in financial terms. In this respect, the Islamic banks are perceived to be growing in an immense manner and are determined to be the ultimate foundation for financial transactions amid the gulf countries. The banking sector of Bahrain is recognised to be accountable to be the major contributor of ‘Gross Domestic Products (GDP) growth. Bahrain is identified to be acquiring around 80% of the GDP in relation to investment funds. The main objective of Bahrain is to obtain the leading position as a financial hub (INSEAD, 2011; Al-Hassan & et. al., 2010). BNP Paribas is recognised as among the leading banking institutions which is one of the leading financial service providers in the European regions. The bank is identified to be present in around 80 countries. Moreover, the bank employs about 200,000 individuals on a global context. BNP offers three major services which include retail banking, ‘corporate and investment banking’ as well as investment solutions (Bahrain Economic Development Board, 2008). Al Salam Bank-Bahrain (B.S.C) began its business operations in the year 2006 and the bank is located in Bahrain. It is observed to be performing business operations in a differentiation manner for acquiring huge capital and proficient as well as experienced management team. The bank adopts standards and principles which are recognised at international level for its transparency as well as integrity (Al Salam Bank Bahrain, 2012). Topic to Be Addressed The subject of the proposed research study is to determine the im pact of adverse political and financial conditions on the banking sector in Bahrain. Moreover, the proposed research study will assist in ascertaining the importance of stable political conditions for businesses to perform their operations effectively. Project Background In Bahrain, BNP Paribas is recognised to be the principal foreign bank. The bank has established two offices in Dubai with the objective of defending itself from unstable political scenarios and financial crisis. The proposed research study will be based on the analysing the factors which are seemingly affecting the operations as well as competitiveness of the banking sector in Bahrain. In this regard, the impact of unstable political situations and financial crisis of the banking sector of Bahrain will be studied in order to improve their situations. Justification of the Topic Chosen In relation to the present day context, it has been observed that the political condition of a country is significantly affecting the economic as well as business environment. Moreover, there are other specific external factors which are demonstrated to be impacting a country’s political and economic conditions both positively as well as negatively. In this regard, the major problem which has been recognised in this proposed study is changes in the political conditions affecting the financial sector in Bahrain. This problem is also identified to be hampering the competitiveness of its financial sector on a global context. Research Question On the basis of identification of the research problem, the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Internet regulation vs Free

Internet regulation vs Freedom of Speech Essay MGM v. Grokster case determines the file sharing software. Grokster is a software development company that makes peer-to-peer file sharing software making it possible for all users to share files. However, one possibility with the usage of this software is that some users start sharing copyrighted files. Most commonly copyrighted music mp3 files are shared. In this case court determined that whether making of such software can be regulated. Proponents argue that file sharing is very popular and important technology implemented today in several companies for important business tasks. It is also commonly used by individuals for normal sharing of files for important reason. Only for just one reason it is not possible to shut down the whole business. This is just beginning of the exploration of current use of technology which may expand later. Court determined that whether Grokster should be liable for this file sharing that involves copyrighted material. The pro of this case is that today as we’re bound with each other via world wide networking, it has changed the way of our living. Regulating things going on Internet has recently affected our legislations. With internet networking we can easily connect together and communicate. However, recently several cases have emerged and made it more complex to handle people communicating on the internet. There is another law case that is very hot these days, a Yahoo case. Yahoo has been disgraced in France and now fighting with Chinese government on several issues of free speech. All legal aspects of internet regulation include several security measures and protection from threats. In addition, the way of communication on the Internet has made it much easier for anyone to pass any remarks to any person far away from the location. Speech and communication on the internet has to be regulated in order to protect people from any kind of abuse. According to the Judge decision of freedom of speech that the Yahoo had the right in favor it. The con of this case is that though, we know that all humans have rights. Freedom of speech is one of the rights an individual have by birth, but this right has a limitation as well. The limitation is decided by the exposure of the speech on makes in his social environment. Freedom of speech is a right until this freedom doesn’t hurdle the other’s same right. And if this come to happen the ‘right’ of one rests no more with him. Many firms and legislations are now restricting making use of language and topics on the communication board and email. For example, many big firms like Mircrosoft do not allow specific topics to be discussed on their forums. In China a journalist was imprisoned because of the fact that he forwarded an email that contained an inappropriate language terms. Many U. S. firms are now help resolving issues in China regarding communication. Different law now governs freedom of speech on the Internet. Whatever the case it must now be the matter of great concern to regulate everything that is going on Internet. Similarly, USA and other countries several such cases were detected. Many groups, forums and companies do not allow free talk on politics and religion in order to avoid hot debates involved on these topics. In the present circumstances, especially whereby the social environment has become digital, it’s become very crucial to maintain an equilibrium so that each one can enjoy his right of freedom of speech in the most effective way. The most prominent platform for present digital social environment is ‘internet’ which has not only reduced the distances among the continents, but has also opened the opportunities for individuals to have their say on broader channels. This outgrowth in the outreach of common man’s voice has lead him to be confident on one hand and made others to suffer from the un censored voice. Law gives the right to speech, freedom of thought, freedom of choice, freedom of choosing a religion and changing beliefs. Though we have right for freedom of expression but this does not determine that we can use abusive language, make false statements, and defame others. References Internet Regulation law. Retrieved from http://bubl. ac. uk/LINK/i/internetregulation-law. htm Kirby, Carrie (2005). Chinese Internet vs. free speech Hard choices for U. S. tech giants Retrieved from http://www. sfgate. com/cgi-bin/article. cgi? file=/c/a/2005/09/18/MNGDUEPNLA1. DTLtype=tech Supreme Court Hears Two Cases Critical For Future Of Online Free Speech. Retrieved from http://www. aclu. org/scotus/2004/13918prs20050329. html

Monday, October 14, 2019

Alternative Development Possibilities for Church

Alternative Development Possibilities for Church Introduction Description of the Development The site is located in one of Corks most prestigious areas; the property is set on 0.8 of an acre of level ground overlooking the River Lee on the grounds of Our Lady’s hospital. It is ideally located on the Lee Road just 2.4kms west of Cork City adjacent to the historic University College Cork and close to the western routes leading to Blarney (8 kms) and Killarney (80 kms) which is accessible via the newly constructed Ballincollig bypass. Equally accessible, are Cork Airport and major routes to Limerick, Waterford and Wexford. The site is currently selling for â‚ ¬1,900,000 and is zoned commercial. All services including mains water, electricity and mains drainage are located adjacent to the site and are easily accessible. The church is located at the front of the site and provides an excellent development opportunity for the conversion of the existing structure into a bar/bistro. The church is of rubble limestone construction, un-rendered and with cut limestone plinths. The internal area amounts to 100 sq.m with a planned extension of a further 100sq.m at the rear, to provide additional space for the kitchen, store and staff facilities. The walls of the interior are lined with brick and there is an exposed timber truss roof. Adjacent to the church is a parking area, three developments will be considered for this site which includes the construction of a medical centre, crà ¨che or apartments. All services including water, electricity and mains drainage are located adjacent to the site and are easily accessible. Development Region The development is located in the province of Munster and in the county of Cork, which is situated in the South of Ireland. Cork is the commercial and industrial capital of the South West Region with a population of 190,384 people (2006 Census) rising to 454,850 within a 60km radius. Historic Cork The citys name is derived from the Irish word Corcach, meaning marshy place and refers to the fact that the center of Cork City is built on islands, surrounded by the River Lee, which were marshy and subjected to instances of flooding. Traditionally, Saint Finbarre has been credited with the foundation of the monastery of Cork, known to be the earliest human settlement in Cork for which historians have incontrovertible evidence. The location of this monastic settlement was on the area arnd the present-day site of Saint Finbarre’s Cathedral. However the ancestor of the modern city was founded in the 12th century, when Viking settlers established a trading community. In the twelfth century, this settlement was taken over by invading Anglo-Norman settlers. Corks city charter was granted by King John of England in 1185. Over the centuries, much of the city was rebuilt, time and again, after numerous fires. The city was at one time fully walled, and several sections and gates still remaining. During the 19th century important industries in Cork included, brewing, distilling, wool and shipbuilding. In addition, there were some municipal improvements such as gas light street lights in 1825, a local paper, The Cork Examiner was first published in 1841 and, very importantly for the development of modern industry, the railway reached Cork in 1849. Also in 1849, University College Cork opened. Lee Road Area In the early 1760s the Pipe Water Company was established to provide a water supply to the city of Cork. The architect/engineer Davis Ducart designed the Waterworks which were completed by 1768. The site, located on the lee road included a pumping house and open storage reservoirs which were constructed on the hillside to the north of the river at the same location as the present Waterworks buildings. By the late 1840’s it was felt that the water supply to the city required upgrading, as the population of the city was increasing rapidly, new suburbs developing on the city’s north side could not benefit from the existing system. In 1854, the Pipe Water Company instructed John Benson, had prepared a plan for a new Waterworks, Work began with the laying of new cast-iron mains pipes in 1857 and continued for a number of years. By February 1859 these new water pipes had reached the military barracks on the Old Youghal Road. By this time the Pipe Water Company had been taken over by Cork Corporation, who remains in charge of the municipal water supply to this day. (Lifetime Labs) Local Industry Corks main area of industry is in pharmaceuticals, with Pfizer Inc. and Swiss company Novartis being big employers in the region. Cork is also the European headquarters of Apple Inc. where their computers are manufactured and their European call centre, RD and Apple-Care is hosted. In total, they currently employ over 1,800 staff. EMC Corporation located in the area of Ovens, in the outskirts of the city is another large I.T. employer with over 1,600 staff in their 52,000 sq metre (560,000 sq. ft.) engineering, manufacturing, and technical services facility. Many of these large multinational organisations have been attracted to the area due the low corporation tax rate of 12.5%. Planning Issues and Restrictions After consultation with a Cork City Planning officer a number of issues were raised regarded the conditions of the planning. The site lies within a category A Landscape Protection Zone as per Cork Coty Development Plan 2004. This category of land is defined in Table 8.1 of the Development Plan as â€Å"Visually important land, including land forming the setting to existing buildings† According to paragraph 8.20 of the Plan â€Å"There will be a general presumption by means of a landscape assessment and appropriate landscape and building design proposals† The proposed site at the Lee Road is a visually sensitive area, the design of the structures will therefore have to be landscape rather than building orientated. As stated in Policy BE 8 of the Development Plan: â€Å"The City Council will endeavour to devise and implement policies to positively encourage and facilitate the careful refurbishment of historic built environment for sustainable and economically viable uses.† To comply with plan it will be necessary to adhere to following conditions: The development shall be carried out in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted. A visual impact study must be conducted to determine how the how the development will affect the landscape. The redevelopment of the chapel shall be supervised by a conservation consultant with appropriate qualifications and/or experience in conservation and restoration of historic buildings in order to protect the architectural characteristics and visual appearance of this existing structure. The contractor appointed shall have an expertise and demonstrate high standards of workmanship and have previous experience in restoration of historic structures. The site is not considered suitable for a â€Å"super-pub† or for a nightclub. In order to protect the character and amenities of the area, the development is restricted to be used as a restaurant with ancillary public house. Under the Landscape Assessment Guidelines (2000) the classification of the site at the Lee Road was obtained from the following table: The site is classified as a category A as it forms part of the setting for the existing landmark building (Former Our Lady’s Hospital). The guidelines state that: There will be a general presumption against development in Landscape Protection Zones unless it can be demonstrated by means of a visual landscape assessment and appropriate building design proposal that the proposed development will enhance the overall landscape character of the site and its visual context. Factors Favouring Refurbishment In the initial feasibility for the Lee Road church, it was necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages to its refurbishment. Consideration will be given to both the social and economic factors. Social Factors in favour of refurbishment Energy/Resource conservation – Just as there is a current growing awareness of the need to recycle domestic waste, buildings with a useable structure should also be recycled. Preservation of historic buildings – The church on the grounds of the site is listed as a protected structure, buildings which are historic merit need to be refurbished to maintain their integrity and thereby the amenity for the nation. Social resistance to change – Buildings are an integral part of an urban fabric and society may well demonstrate forceful views in restricting change. Its arguments will centre upon: retaining historical and social continuity preserving familiar landscape scenes conserving existing communities and the social fabric Economic Factors in favour of refurbishment Shorter construction period – A refurbishment scheme can usually be carried out quicker than redevelopment which results in: a prompt turnover of finance; earlier occupation of the building; quicker return on capital employed; a reduction in the effects of inflation, high interest rates and other risks. Condition of the building – In the case of the Lee Road church, the structure itself is in relatively sound condition, the savings on the building components may make a refurbishment scheme cheaper than reconstruction. Expectation of high land values – The future expectation of high land values may provoke refurbishment to create a short life use so as to occupy the building and keep the site in its present use until fully ripe for exploitation. This will avoid leaving a building empty for long periods while long term plans are being formulated. Constraints on development – site conditions and organisational constraints (e.g. Cork County Council planning restrictions) may make redevelopment unsuitable for a particular or intended use and therefore unprofitable. Limiting Factors in refurbishment One of the major factors in factors in favour of the refurbishment of the church is the cost saving from the retention of the existing materials, whilst this can reduce the total cost of the scheme, the following criteria required consideration. Diminishing returns – The economic life of a building can be said to end when a site value in a new use exceeds the value of the existing building. A building requires redevelopment when the value of the building is below the potential use value of the land and hence yields a diminishing return. Life expectancy – Property investment tends to be long-term in nature and normally a paying back of sixty year is allowed in property investment calculations. There is little doubt that a new building will last the sixty years or more, whereas a refurbished building may not have been designed and constructed with materials appropriate for long life. High cost of borrowing – In general, financial institutions are unprepared to invest in old buildings due to inherent high financial risks. If they provide finance the assumption of high risk can often lead to a higher rate of interest. Management of refurbishment – the extent of work is not predictable; hence very difficult to design, cost plan and cost control. It can often be a complex, non-repetitive and labour intensive operation and does not facilitate high productivity. Attract high tender prices- the contactor will often assume a high undefined risk element and uncertainty of cost when the pre-contract survey is inadequate. Increased cost of Health and Safety Source: Harlow (1994) Rationale for Refurbishment After taking all factors into consideration, it was felt that the benefits of refurbishment outweigh the costs of redevelopment. Also according to Harlow (1994) the emphasis is moving towards conservation leading to the search for historical and social continuity by fining ways of re-using an existing fabric rather than accelerating the cycle of replacement† The structure itself is in a reasonable sound condition with only minor restorations required; reusing the existing building will decrease construction time, reduce site overheads and retain the historical and social continuity of the Lee road area. Review of alternative development possibilities Development 1 – Medical Centre The first development to contribute to the bar/bistro development is the construction of a medium sized three storey structures; this will comprise 2 No. doctor’s surgeries, a nurse’s office and associated accommodation including waiting, reception and storage areas. It has a floor area of approx 800m2 and an overall ridge height of 8.2m. Its overall design is of a contemporary nature utilizing feature glazing and an extended limestone surround to complement the features of the adjacent church. Early Feasibility Study Project Location Item Description Cost/m2 Floor Area Total Cost 1.0 Site Clearance â‚ ¬80.00 610 â‚ ¬48,800.00 2.0 Substructure â‚ ¬150.00 610 â‚ ¬91,500.00 3.0 Superstructure â‚ ¬380.00 610 â‚ ¬231,800.00 4.0 Internal Finishes â‚ ¬270.00 610 â‚ ¬164,700.00 5.0 Fittings and Furnishings â‚ ¬150.00 610 â‚ ¬91,500.00 6.0 Service Installations â‚ ¬555.00 610 â‚ ¬338,550.00 7.0 External Works â‚ ¬163.00 610 â‚ ¬99,430.00 8.0 Preliminaries â‚ ¬110.00 610 â‚ ¬67,100.00 9.0 Contingencies â‚ ¬20,000.00 Total Estimated Cost â‚ ¬1,153,380.00 Income Rental Price Per Month 6000 Rental Price Per Annum 72000 Total Income per Annum 72000 Expenditure Maintenance 7000 Landscaping 2500 9500 Profit per annum 62500 0 -1183880 1 62500 2 68750 Rate -1.595% 3 75625 4 83188 5 91506 6 100657 7 110723 8 117366 9 124408 10 131872 Net Present Value IR £0.00 Internal Rate of Return -1.5949% Development 2 – Crà ¨che This development entails the construction a crà ¨che that will serve the 180 apartments in Atkins Hall, River Towers and The Mews. The structure will be single storey building with car parking at the rear. The crà ¨che will accommodate up to 30 children (depending on ages). Other facilities would include a fully equipped indoor play area and an out-door playground. There is no doubt that there is demand for a crà ¨che in the area, the development would cater for the residents of the nearby apartments. Students of the nearby University College Cork could also utilize these facilities. Crà ¨che Early Feasibility Study Site Clearance â‚ ¬80.00 610 â‚ ¬48,800.00 Substructure â‚ ¬150.00 610 â‚ ¬91,500.00 Superstructure â‚ ¬380.00 610 â‚ ¬231,800.00 Internal Finishes â‚ ¬270.00 610 â‚ ¬164,700.00 Fittings and Furnishings â‚ ¬200.00 610 â‚ ¬122,000.00 Service Installations â‚ ¬555.00 610 â‚ ¬338,550.00 External Works â‚ ¬163.00 610 â‚ ¬99,430.00

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Poem, Woman, by Nikki Giovanni Essay -- Poetry Analysis

The poem â€Å"Woman†, written by Nikki Giovanni, uses several metaphors to describe the journey of a woman and what she feels the man should do but will not do. She describes in many different ways how she wants support from the man, but he is unwilling to give it. In the first stanza, she starts the poem with the woman being a simple, insignificant thing. â€Å"She wanted to be a blade of grass amid the fields† (lines 1-2). Grass grows under your feet. Blades of grass are plentiful and ordinary. She just wanted to be just like every other woman. â€Å"But he wouldn’t agree to be her dandelion† (line 3-4). A dandelion is a deeply rooted weed. If it is pulled up by the roots, one has to get every single root up or the dandelion will grow back. This signifies that the woman wanted the man to be the solace in her life. In the second stanza, the woman in the poem is now referring to herself as a robin. â€Å"She wanted to be a robin singing through the leaves† (lines 5-6). Robins mostly stay in their own climate during the winter, and feed off of the berries in the tree. When spring is coming the robin starts to sing. â€Å"But he refused to be her tree† (lines 7-8). She wanted the support when she needed, but she also wanted the freedom to fly away when she needed to. The tree signifies structure and stability. She needed that stability, but he did not want to give it. In the third stanza, the woman has progressed into a spider. â€Å"She spun herself into a web and looking for a place to rest turned to him but he stood straight declining to be her corner† (lines 10-14). Spiders are normally very independent by nature. However a spider’s most desired place for a web would be a corner. A corner allows the spider a safe haven and many exit routs to esc... ...endent, aggressive, and predatory. Then she tried to be a book, a great resource. In her final attempt to get a response from him, she turned herself into a bulb, his vital life source. However she was a woman the whole time. The author could have been using metaphors to show what she thought were the characteristics of men and women. The poem more likely shows the progression of women over time to find their place in society and the man’s struggle to deal with it. The woman in the poem was desperately trying to find her place of significance. She learned in the end, that being who she was in other people’s eyes was less important than being who she was in her own eyes. Work Cited Giovanni, Nikki. â€Å"Woman†. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing.7th ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2004. 1098.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Giovanni & Lusanna-by Gene Brucker :: essays papers

Giovanni & Lusanna-by Gene Brucker In the story Giovanni and Lusanna , written and researched by Gene Brucker, there is a woman who has taken her alleged husband to court, because he has married another woman. The story is a factual account of what transpired during this court case and the remainder of Giovanni ¹s life. There are several similarities between their world and ours, but for the most part we live in a totally different environment. Our standards of living have greatly improved, but more than that our society has grown more tolerant toward the people who deviate from everyday standards. The story starts out with Lusanna as a married woman who caught the eye of a wealthy young man named Giovanni. As time wore on they allegedly fell in love and enjoyed all of the pleasures of their love. It was later claimed by Lusanna that Giovanni had promised to marry her in the event of her husband ¹s death. Her husband soon died a questionable death that left open the possibility of poison. Unlike today ¹s world divorce was unheard of, and unacceptable. Giovanni then refused to marry her in a public wedding because his social status would be greatly hurt to marry some one in the working class of Florence. This is another example of why today ¹s society is so much different from how it was when they lived. Another strange thing about their society is the open humiliation that people were subjected to. It was said that Lusanna first husband was called a  ³cuckold  ³ to his face. People who were said to earn money in a dirty fashion often had blood or paint thrown on their steps. These kinds of things are just not normal or permitted in today ¹s world. It is true that they do sometimes occur, but the responsible party often ends up looking worse that the person they were trying to hurt. Lusanna was said to have had several lovers. She was not able to become pregnant due to medical problems. This pretty much left her free to have unprotected sex with as many lovers as she wanted. It is true that there are women today with this same type of free love attitude, but there are serious consequences in todays world that will greatly hamper such a life style. One thing that is very similar about their time and today ¹s world in

Friday, October 11, 2019

Childhood Constructions

Childhood is the period of time stretching from infancy to adolescence (teenage) stage of life. Issues, theories and concepts have been put forth attempting to put some meaning to childhood. For instance the modern society perceives children as passive and surviving at the mercies of the wider society. Adults do not seek to learn anything from the children and they assume that childhood is a period meant to transform kids into dependable adults. There is a need to view childhood differently to be able to respond positively to their needs and to understand the stage as crucial in helping us understand adulthood and humanity in general. As a matter of fact, childhood experiences, plays a vital role in shaping the later stages of life. Childhood is perceived as a social structure, which determines the ideal institutions where proper childhood development would be ensured. Generally, social structures offer both opportunities one is exposed to and limitations are determined by a child’s socio-economic background and its physical endowments (Stearns, 2003). A child in ideal situation is expected to have two parents who provide everything and ensure moral uprightness. The child is given enough time to relax and has siblings. The parents are expected to provide security and facilities for play. Parents commence preparations for the infant long way before the mother delivers the kid. However, in terms of childhood development, from a historical perspective, the early American society never celebrated infancy. Childhood was characterized by missing parental care, high rate of infant mortality. There was not time for taking the kid through all the stages of growth and development. Where parents were missing due to reasons like death, young children were charged with the task of taking care of the others. However, good morals were upheld all through. Child labour was prevalent as well as early marriages. In the late 1700s and early 1800 there was growing concern on childhood. Between 1840s and 1900s socio-economic changes taking place revolutionized the ideal of child upbringing. Parents became more concerned about children; they started emphasizing on child education. A scientific aspect was incorporated in child rearing whereby child development was closely monitored. Racial concerns arose. Industrial development led to improved standards of life and reduced childhood deaths. However, some children especially of immigrant families were still in slavery. These children were poorly treated subjected to much work and not allowed to go through formal education. Some children ended up in orphanages where proper care was ensured. Other children went missing and still others would end up dying. In the twentieth century children were regarded as of economic value. They offered cheap labour earning highly needed wages in the family. There was a rising need to occupy the kids with work to discourage laxity. In the contemporary society children are perceived as of less economic value. Infact childhood is regarded as an economic liability. Children, spend more of parents’ financial resources than they contribute to the same. Young children’s perception of things in the US and the world at large has been subjected to a number of influences. Their access to information materials and gadgets like TV, video and computer exposes them to a wide field of knowledge. These triggers and stimulate a mental process that generates a diversified perception of issues to do with life. For instance, programmes on TV and videos showing modern family life would touch issues like children rights. Children acquire knowledge on family issues like the role of parents in a family, career, and family conflicts among other issues at a very tender age. It is not amazing to realize that some programmes highlighting crucial family issues like divorce, separation, child abuse appear on screen long way before the kids succumb to sleep. As a matter of fact, the media has made the children to feel like they are their own caretakers. It is worth noting that in some programmes, adult voices and perceptions have been superimposed on very young children. Romantic movie clips and actual programmes are not rare on TVs in the early evening hours. This most assuredly influences children’s perception of issues to do with sexuality, love, hate and social conflicts. In some movies, a character commits suicide, murder or causes chaos in their attempt to either express themselves or to get out of trouble. All these happenings are bound to model the character and personality of children since they are also exposed to similar circumstances in this world. No wonder cases of young snipers have been reported in the recent past in our society. The greatest challenge and risk is that parents and guardians cannot exercise full control over what their children go through and their exposure to information materials. Children can virtually access any information anywhere even if they are denied access at home. Due to social-economic problems some parents have ended up in serious conflicts. A man and his wife settle scores physically when reason fails to avail solutions for their pressing issues. This has exposed many children to utter violence and most of them perceive this world as a harsh and chaotic place and some develop aggression in their bid to conquer life’s challenges. Other end up violent when their tactics fail to work. Children face challenging and conflicting situations both at home and away from home. With increasing social-economic challenges, children of the world are exposed to situations that influence their character and personality very early. Many parents who are especially keen on child development are very anxious and rather troubled due to the deteriorating morals and social values. Evil is inculcated in children’s lie s at very early stages of child’s development and some caretakers are simply watching desperately as their children vanish in the mire of moral rottenness. Parents and guardians are increasingly concerned about the eventualities given the direction the current (modern) society has taken. For instance, drug use and abuse at childhood stages. Drug use is a commonplace thing in schools. It is a matter of great concern since a drug addicted young generation spells doom to the future of the society. Lack of sobriety among the youths would result to stagnating social-economic systems. The other nagging issue is about the dwindling interest in schooling. Children seem to pursue entertainment and quick money earners at the expense of a formal system of learning, which incorporates all aspects of human growth development. This produces a dull; dump and unrealistic clique that would lack the remotest idea of how to progressively run the socio-economic aspects of our society. Fun centers are always congested. Youngsters are pursuing fame and money (wealth) at all costs in some instances with dire consequences. The young generation seems to be dragging the entire society into Hades. Learning institutions seem to design their programmes to suit the whims of the learners this basically being a result of constant expression of fear and anxiety by parents whose children’s performance grow dismal. The fear by the parents is that the children are bound to develop disinterest in education if their performance worsens. There is an increasing desire to score high grades and join better and highly ranked higher learning institutions. Those who fail to measure up resort to entertainment parlors. A mention of physical growth, fitness or posture would cause some emotional tremor. This is an issue of great concern among Americans. High economic development rate has made many young people afford high calorific foods. Eating habits have changed and cases of obesity have been increasing day after day. However, the increasing concerns about the issue of body size, weight, posture and fitness is the reason behind the fast rate of growth of the fashion beauty and modeling industry. This raises a myriad of questions about the extent to which the children should be allowed to make decisions about their physical and emotional development. Most parents are extremely anxious about the developments that may arise during the course of growth and development of their children. Streets trodden by youngsters struggling to bear massive weight are commonplace in America. The issue of physical development among other social challenges affects a child’s self esteem. For instance, an obesed child is likely to develop low self-esteem. Poor academic performance would also have similar effects on the self-esteem of a child. Parents are especially concerned about eating habits of their children but it still remains an evasive issue since many eateries are being put up offering high calorie and very attractive foods. What leads the youngsters to such eating habits and poor dietary programmes remains a very tricky puzzle. As the parents battle with the issue of food, one would point an accusing finger at them since some abandon their duty as mothers at very early stages of child development. For instance, some due to careers quit breastfeeding a couple of days after delivery. The responsibility of feeding the child rests squarely on baby sitters, some of who might either lack crucial knowledge on proper diet or others out of defiance dump unhealthy foods into the child’s tummy. A child graduates to teenage with the same problem. Boredom is a feeling that would quite well describe the emotional orientation of most youths in our society. Every formal system seems to be a bore to the young generation. Schoolwork is boring and many are reluctant to pursue higher education. Parents are very much concerned about the amount of homework assigned to the children. On one hand the children feeling bored by the too much task given by the teachers to be tackled at home by the children; on the other hand, the parents feel that too much homework denies them control over the activities performed by their children during their time with them at home. Teachers still feel that they have an obligation to steer learning among the children to greater heights. How a compromise would be struck given the above situations remains a hard nut to crack. This concern revolves around not only the issue of homework assigned by teachers to children but also around other chores both at home and away from home. The government is on very high alert concerning issues to do with child labour. The problem is how to determine what amounts to child labour. Determining how much work a child should be given at home and elsewhere is an issue to be debated upon. With the growing enlightenment on children rights is bound to be a bone of contention. However, hiring of children to work in the manufacturing and processing industries remains out of question and punitive measures should be meted on whoever commits such a disorderly thing. A great deal of anxiety rests in the hearts of parents and guardians when an issue of special needs arises. How such children are handled matter a lot. There is a need for more schools that can handle such cases. But parents are more concerned about their welfare. Children with both physical and mental disadvantages are not easy to cater for and the number and capacity of the institutions handling such might not be adequate and this has been the essence of parental concerns. Another issue arises when a consideration is made on whether to surrender the disabled children or other children with special needs full time to such special institutions or part timely. With the busy parent schedules this becomes a big issue. Children are also exposed to traffic risks. How roads and streets are manned determines how safe or unsafe children can be on the roads. Children use roads frequently on foot either from schools or other events and occasions. Road safety for children is an issue of concern among parents. Issues range from delays in traffic snirl-ups to accidents both in public service vehicles or private cars. Though rare, parents are also afraid in case a child sneaks a car out of the homestead. Concerns about children safety do not only arise on the roads but also at home and elsewhere. Safety in the house, on the compound and away from home arouses great concern among parents. Parents strictly and keenly monitor the activities of the children whenever they are around them. At times they are concerned about the punitive measures taken by teachers against the children. Another issue about safety arises when a babysitter comes into the scene. Fear engulfs parents concerning the level of safety a babysitter would ensure on children. Babysitters might not have a deep emotional attachment to the child. Negligence by a babysitter would pose a safety risk and also physical and psychological anomalies. There is also a risk of child abductions. Parents are afraid of situations whereby after allowing their children to move around freely, they end up under the custody of strangers who later turn up demanding hefty amounts of cash before they release them. This is not uncommon with the escalating crime levels. Other concerns include infant sexual exploitation. There have been a number of cases of infant sexual exploitation in the American society. The worst is when a close relative is implicated in the vice. Children are constantly exposed to such dangers, especially with the weakening social ties and parents busy schedules which rob them of the opportunity to constantly and consistently monitor their children’s activities. Many self-confessed victims of sexual harassment have brought to our attention the looming danger. The society has almost reached a state of moral decantation. Some people seem to have lost their sense of reason. Children below five years of age have fallen victims. Other concerns that leave parents torn between issues touch the areas of toilet training. How it is conducted at that tender age determines the psychological development of the child. Some parents lose their patience when the child turns out to be a slow learner. This according to psychoanalysts tends to behavioral maladjustments later in a child’s life. This again raises the issue of whether or not the mother is the one charged with the responsibility of conducting the exercise. Babysitters are known to be harsh especially when the children are unco-operative. However some mothers subject their children to harsh toile training. Many parents are usually anxious about how fast their children learn to control their bowel movements. Another issue of paramount concern is breast-feeding. The stage of growth and development at which an infant is weaned (or stops breastfeeding) contributed a great deal to the physical and psychological development of the infant. A child who stops breastfeeding early than expected is likely to develop poorly physically and psychologically. This also tampers with the emotional attachment between the child and the mother and the child is likely to develop defiant behaviour later in life. Parents are afraid and anxious about future development of their children given their early administration of bottled foods. The changing social structures coupled with the negative publicity carried out by the media have also caused too much anxiety among parents. Family ties are weakening and many parents are opting for divorce or separation. Children are majorly the sufferers. Media never ceases to feature movies that uphold violent behaviour and crime. Infact movie stars are perceived even by youngsters, as heroes who murder many and commit the vilest things. Children have their role models in movies. Romantic movies are filled with scenes portraying hatred, jealousy, obscenity, murder, suicide and revenge. The young children are adopting the same negative traits and some are living out the characters they see in the movies. Family feuds are not rare occurrences in our society. To sum up, childhood development and child upbringing are issues that parents are very much concerned in America. Parents face numerous anxious moments in their efforts to bring up their children in the most ideal conditions and ways. Readership of publications highlighting issues concerning childhood is growing tremendously as parents battle with the challenges they encounter in control over their lives of their children. The wider society on the other hand has a major role to play in shaping the character of the young. There is a tag of war as the two scrambles for control. Parent’s concerns and anxiety is genuine and valid. Every adult in the US should feel responsible for the upbringing of the upcoming young generations. The media should be instrumental in promoting proper childhood development by designing programs that uphold acceptable childhood behaviour as well as educating all childhood social institutions on the most ideal ways of bringing up children. And the government should provide structures that promote proper childhood development. A central issue that has been raised over time is about childhood innocence. In the earlier times infants were perceived as innocent. However with the emerging issues in the society and exposure of sexual materials by the media, children are exposed to sexual issues and abuse at tender stages of growth and development. One would wonder whether children are innocent as earlier perceived or not. The society, including media should feel responsible for shaping childhood. The fashion industry should be more responsible to admit the right ages. A fairer comparison should be drawn between children and adults. Children should be enlightened on their right, and the dangers and risks they are exposed to. Much light should be she on the existing opportunities available for the children to fully exploit their talents.